In an article titled “Students rebuild communities with sustainable bamboo architecture,” published in it is explained that after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck coastal Ecuador in 2016, the country suffered from severe damages and casualties. The use of heavy building materials was to blame for some of the casualties. Because of the damages from the earthquake, the public called for seismically safe buildings from natural materials. Regeneration Field Institute started the Bahia Beach Construction movement to “help meet these needs in the community, as well as provide a model for ecologically, socially and economically sustainable housing development with an emphasis on seismic stability,” according to their website.Here is a short video that explains more about this.
Hi my name is Matthew Efstathiou I’m looking to build a Bamboo house in Ecuador. Who can I speak to regarding this
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Hello ,my name is Andréa.i want to know if you know of any architects in mexico that i can contact to help me build a bamboo house in zihuatanejo,guerreo. Or any information on how to build a 2story 3bedroom bamboo house that with stands earthquakes .
And would it with stand a hurricane ? We get those to since we are on the ocean. Thank you for your time
I suggest that you query the folks at about this.