New Hempcrete Products

Italian construction company BIOmat Canapa has created a 100% natural and recyclable brick, crafted from a blend of lime and canapulo, with exceptional insulation properties while combating humidity.  Canapulo is a specialized hemp variety cultivated specifically for construction. Lime acts as a vital binding agent, ensuring cohesion and bolstering the overall strength of hemp bricks. Its natural breathability also aids in moisture regulation within building structures.

These bricks have a unique combination of fire resistance, acoustic insulation, durability, and carbon negativity, making them an ideal material for forward-thinking construction projects. Their design makes them particularly suitable for single-layer walls, ensuring healthy indoor environments by preventing mold and condensation.

They also make a variety of premixed products, including a plaster which is perfect for historic buildings due to its high dehumidifying capacity.

They produce various fiber panels for insulation that counteract mold and condensation and provide thermal and acoustic insulation for walls, drywall partitions, and ceilings.

And what they call “Hemp Screed” is ideal for floor and roof insulation, providing an effective insulating layer.

These materials support sustainable building practices through low-impact manufacturing processes and contribute to carbon negativity by absorbing CO2 from the environment.

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