Make a $4 emergency biomass stove from concrete blocks

“In the aftermath of a disaster, purifying drinking water may be a priority. The quickest, safest method could be boiling. This biomass stove only requires four concrete blocks, a tin can with both ends cut out and a gas stove eyelet top. The completed stove is sturdy enough to hold a several-gallon container of water, stew or a heavy cast iron Dutch oven.”

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Low Cost Cooking Options in Nepal

Homemade rocket stoves like this can cook food with twigs and other plant debris.
Homemade rocket stoves like this can cook food with twigs and other plant debris.

“Due to the fuel crisis in Nepal now we don’t get gas for cooking. I just wanted to ask you if you have some idea regarding building a solar cooker. I did some search in google but I could not come up with a concrete idea. And yeah I have a methane gas chamber in my house. Do you have some idea to improve that as well because its not enough to cook 2 meals. Thank you.” Prateek

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Low Cost Twig Stoves

Don’t want to buy and carry fuel for your camping stove? No problem. These affordable twig stoves burn whatever is available – twigs, branches, pine cones, pine needles, wood chips, wood shavings, plant stalks, grass, dung, leaves, paper, cardboard or any other type of biomass. They only need a handful or so of fuel to boil a pot of water. That amount is easy to find even in most deserts. Twig stoves cook faster, produce less smoke and typically pose less of a fire risk than camp fires on the ground.

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Small Stoves for Camping and Emergencies

It is always wise to plan for emergencies. You never know when you might get hit by a blizzard or other disaster. There are situations where having an extra way to cook and stay warm could be a lifesaver. For instance, people often get stranded in winter. No doubt the survivors wish they had one … Read more