I was sitting in a restaurant yesterday that has smoked bamboo furniture. As I was admiring the color and craftsmanship, I realized that our readers might be interested. Smoking bamboo is just one of numerous ways to treat bamboo and prolong its life. The final color of smoked bamboo is the main appeal for me. The photo above is the closest I could find. The furniture I saw was almost exactly the color of roasted chestnuts. The color will naturally vary. The uses and benefits of bamboo fill many books. There are thousands of bamboo products on the market now, and I see more all the time. For sure, bamboo is an important part of building a greener world.
New thatch on old Bensemann home
Build Homes That Last
This blog post is short and to the point. Durability is one of the most important principles of sustainable building. The concept is very simple. Homes consume a lot of materials and take a great deal of time and effort to build, and so it makes sense to choose materials and building methods that last a long time. This goes hand-in-hand with choosing low maintenance materials. Choose carefully or you’ll end up spending an inordinate amount of time and money maintaining your home.
Durability of Earthbag Homes
Previous blog posts have explained how earthbag homes are similar to rammed earth (see Ancient Rammed Earth Structures) and compressed earth (see Impact Testing Megablocks with Black Powder Cannon). And in comparison to adobe, which is also quite durable, earthbags gain additional durability from: – Tamping (greater density, less air space, clay platelets bonded together) … Read more
Durability of Polypropylene Bags
What is the lifespan of poly bags, and will they make durable foundations? From our experience and from what we can gather from other sources, poly bags can last almost indefinitely if kept out of sunlight, and therefore double-bagged foundations appear to be extremely durable. This is important because earthbag foundations are much lower cost … Read more
Durability of Barbed Wire
I emailed New Mexico Barbed Wire Collectors Association about the durability of barbed wire outdoors in the elements. If barbed wire lasts a long time in the rain and snow, then it should be even more durable when protected from the elements. Owen: Our readers would love to hear about the durability of barbed wire. … Read more