Earthbag Dome Building Information Seminar

Sun, April 9, 2017, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PDT “A one day information seminar and networking platform for interested owner-builders, builders and Cal Earth alumni, contractors, designers, project leaders and architects. Meet those of us who have experience and expertise for building Earth Domes as a viable residence. This is also a platform to … Read more

$2,000 DIY Tiny Houses

Adobe T-bricks is just one of many ultra low cost natural building methods.
Adobe T-bricks is just one of many ultra low cost natural building methods.

I love the great ideas coming out of the tiny house movement, and it’s great to see growing interest in this area. One topic that’s not talked about often enough in my opinion is do-it-yourself, super cheap tiny/small houses made of natural materials such as earthbags, straw bales, adobe, compressed earth blocks, recycled wood and so on. The cost difference can be HUGE.

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Below Grade Earthbag Domes

Many people want to build below grade earthbag domes like these.
Many people want to build below grade earthbag domes like these.

Email from a reader: Hello, I am trying to put together a design for an earthbag dome built into a hill in New York, and for a few reasons, I would like to have some of it underground. Actually, there are two adjacent domes, one with a diameter and height of 14′, and the other 8′. The frost line here is at least 48″, and I’ll probably go down further.

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Reddit: Earthbag Builders Resource Center

Earthbag building page on Reddit
Earthbag building page on Reddit

“Earthbag Building: Earthbag construction is an inexpensive method to create structures which are both strong and can be quickly built. It is a natural building technique that evolved from historic military bunker construction techniques and temporary flood-control dike building methods.

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Upfil Farm Florida Earthbag Workshop

Earthbag Roundhouse Cluster home design being built near Gainesville, Florida
Earthbag Roundhouse Cluster home design being built near Gainesville, Florida

Hi Owen, We are building one of your home designs near Gainesville, Florida. It’s this one ( with straight walls, not domed. It’s a permitted/coded build. The project already has county approval, and we’re gearing up for a workshop to start the actual earthbag part of construction.

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