Patti Stouter’s Straw Wattle Dormitories

In northern Haiti the HCDP used these 3 straw wattle dorms for a gathering of almost 400 Haitian pastors.
In northern Haiti the HCDP used these 3 straw wattle dorms for a gathering of almost 400 Haitian pastors.

“My Haitian friends with HCDP have built 3 dorms of straw wattle on earthbag base. We sized them to fit the most beds possible, and to add 2 short tents between them so that they could accomodate the most beds possible for occasional classes. Although the reports all say that peasants are very resistant to learning improved agriculture from anyone, Haitian-born HCDP director Gueston Pacius seems to be changing that.

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Konbit Shelter Houses

Earthquake resistant earthbag house in Barriere Jeudi, Haiti
Earthquake resistant earthbag house in Barriere Jeudi, Haiti

“In the summer of 2010, Konbit Shelter partnered with the Mango Grower’s Association of Leogane, in the village of Bigones, Barrier Jeudi, to create a multi room community center. We returned in December to construct a one family house. By sourcing all materials within Haiti, and raising money to hire a crew of builders from the community, we are able to bring the kind of assistance that promotes the local economy, creates jobs, and builds valuable skill sets.

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ReGenAll Resort and Retreat Center in Haiti

My Double Unit Ecoresort earthbag design has been adapted for a $400,000 resort in Haiti. The project will create jobs and boost the economy.

“Real people, real experiences, regional regeneration

What is this?
ReGenAll Ventures has created an affordable resort and retreat center concept that meets a rapidly growing global demand for meaningful vacation experiences. From its comfortable, eco-elegant design to its range of renewing cultural, ecological, and agricultural programs, ReGenAll Resort and Retreat Center is a refreshing new take on the eco-resort model. It is a direct catalyst for community driven regeneration and is designed to provide positive, life-changing experiences for its guests.

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Bongnol Village Update

This is the largest, most successful earthbag project in Haiti so far. They’re doing a great job in an extremely difficult situation. “At this village in Bongnol, Haiti, Haiti Christian Development Project has completed 10 of 14 planned earthbag houses for earthquake refugees at the cost of $2200 each. Men of the community were hired … Read more

Free Plans Now Available for the HNC House

Free downloadable plans for the HNC House (Haitian National Congress) are now available at Teach Be sure to check out their other amazing resources that will be used to help rebuild the Haitian economy. This is the most promising Haitian reconstruction plan that I’m aware of. Please spread the word. Previous blog post about … Read more