“It’s the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta – the basis of civil liberty in the UK and America. But next door in the woods a community of 40 handbuilt homes is about to be moved on – to make the world ‘safe’ for democracy.”
Tiny House Boat & Cruise UK Canals
“In this video, we meet David Johns, a former TV journalist from the UK who quit his job, sold his house, and bought a narrowboat to cruise the canal network. His plan was to try living aboard for a year. He’s been living aboard for 9 months so far and he’s still happy with his decision and loves being part of the friendly, helpful narrowboat community.
£10,000 ($15,000) Straw Bale House – Wales
“Brian Stinchcombe built his own straw bale house for only TEN THOUSAND POUNDS, as shown in this video. According to an article in the Independent, this house was due to be demolished in 1997, because the ‘planners’ (bribe takers, in other words, who work for the building industry, while pretending to work for the council) didn’t approve.
Brighton Waste House
“Tucked away at the rear of the University of Brighton’s Grand Parade site, the finishing touches are being applied to The Waste House, a fascinating new building….
The £150 Hobbit Hole
“It looks like something straight out of Middle Earth – and the story behind it is almost as fantastical. This cottage cost just £150 to build, using only natural or reclaimed materials, and is now rented out for a fee of fresh milk and cream. And with no mains electricity, gas or water, the bills don’t come to much either.
Eco Hobbit Home Photos and Drawings
More pics and drawings of the eco hobbit home in Pembrokeshire. This is a magnificent home and I want to get the word out. The local council may tear the home down as they’ve threatened, however we can turn this action against the wrongdoers by using it to rally support for natural building and affordable homes for all.