An Earthbag Privacy Wall

Wayne Talbot, a reader from South Africa, sent me these photos and description of an earthbag privacy wall that he just completed. I think that is very nicely done! Inspired by Owen’s earthbag building resources, I recently completed the construction of an earthbag boundary wall. 11m L x 2.5m high. Bags filled with building sand … Read more

Why Go Tiny?

Andrew Morrison, who I know from his involvement with straw bale building, has taken up the cause of going tiny and explains why this has worked for him in this TED Talk from a couple of years ago. He enumerates many reasons that make a  lot of sense.

Owen Geiger Needs Our Help

We have just created a crowd funding campaign to help Owen Geiger in his current situation and you can go to to donate.He is currently in a hospital in Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand, the town where he has made his home for the last dozen years. Owen fell ill in mid August, 2018, while traveling … Read more

Masonry Heaters

There is a centuries old tradition in Europe that is only beginning to be known in North America: the use of masonry heaters. For some reason Americans are entirely familiar with wood stoves and fireplaces, but have only a hazy notion of what a masonry heater is. This is unfortunate because these devises represent the … Read more