“Jocelyn at Wheaton Labs walks us through another important part of self reliant living. These cooking methods can save you fuel and allow you to conveniently cook food while you are away from home without danger of fire or power usage.”
Kirk Nielsen – Green Builder
El Jicarto Earthbag School Nicaragua
El Jicarito School from Gonzalo J. Lopez on Vimeo.
“EL JICARITO SCHOOL is an innovative low-cost school design that brings a community together through collaborative construction methods, using local materials, while creating a new educational space that will enhance creativity.
Rocket-fired Griddle Oven — Free Plans
Kelly Hart posted an interesting story the other day about a Rocket-fired Oven and Griddle that really caught my eye. I think lots of readers would be interested in learning more about this stove. There’s some additional info on the Firespeaking.com website that will prove useful.
Middle Wood: Living in an Eco-Community
“In this video I take you to a place where I used to live. Its name is Middle Wood; located East of Lancaster, near the small village of Wray. From the car park we walk to the communal area and then down the long path towards the river. During this time I’ll talk about my days of living there and what I faced.”
Two More Ecological Toilets
SOIL – Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods
SOIL received the highest honor in 2012 UNCCD Land for Life Award.