earth building
Report on Compressed Earth Blocks
“The following study was done to test the feasibility of interlocking soil/cement compressed blocks in residential construction in North America. The study collected data on compressive strength of the blocks as well as observations on how they can be used.
Stonemaker Machine
“CEO Gary Troke shows us his amazing stonemaker machine. It is a mobile block, brick and wet cement making machine. It is capable of making any type of brick or block imaginable. It is also an amazing compressed earth block machine (CEB machine). It can use stone/rubble/dirt to make the product.”
Mechanized Rapidobe
Abe from Vela Creations and I have been exchanging ideas about his new Rapidobe building system. The biggest strong point for rapidobe is its speed and ease of construction. You could speed the process along even more with a Bobcat or tractor to dump soil into the wall cavity, and then have several workers for tamping. Abe tamps the soil while standing inside the wall.
Rapidobe Walls
From Abe: “We really like this method of building. We put a 35 feet wall up in two days with three people, excluding the stucco and plaster. It was also very cheap. We do not yet know the durability of this method, as we are the first that we know of to have used it. Time will tell, but it certainly seems very sturdy and has not shifted at all in the six months it has been standing.