Emergency Shelter and Disaster Resistant Housing for the Philippines

We’re starting to get requests for disaster relief in the Philippines. This is where earthbag building really shines. I’ve researched this for years and don’t know of any building method that’s better suited to providing low cost, disaster resistant emergency shelter than earthbags. Earthbag structures can be designed to resist earthquakes, typhoons and anything else … Read more

Earthbag Building in Vanautu

A group of economically displaced women are planning earthbag structures in Vanautu, in the South Pacific, the most disaster prone region in the world.
A group of economically displaced women are planning earthbag structures in Vanautu, in the South Pacific, the most disaster prone region in the world.

From Liz: “The Ernas Women’s Centre is a group of 66 displaced women from all over Vanuatu who have settled in the Erakor peninsula. They have no jobs to pay their children’s school fees so they sell food by the road side. They have a business co op that supports them in earning, saving and getting micro finance loans.

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Where the Haiti Relief Money Did and Did Not Go

The Haiti earthquake has not only created health crises but also a housing emergency.
The Haiti earthquake has not only created health crises but also a housing emergency.

A lot of our time and effort goes toward helping relief efforts in Haiti and other countries in need, so excuse me if this sounds like a rant. The following article truly disgusted me. The article breaks down how only a tiny amount out of several billion dollars in donations ever made it to help Haitians. This is appalling and shameful, and shouldn’t be allowed to happen. There needs to be a giant uproar over this to correct the situation, otherwise donors may not help in future crises. The good news is I believe there’s a fairly simple solution that could prevent this from happening again. I’ve outlined my “power to the people” proposal below after an excerpt from the article.

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Dan Phillips: Creative Houses from Reclaimed Stuff

In this funny and insightful talk from TEDxHouston, builder Dan Phillips tours us through a dozen homes he’s built in Texas using recycled and reclaimed materials in wildly creative ways. Brilliant, low-tech design details will refresh your own creative drive. Phoenix Commotion.com

Temporary Shelter

So, you’ve bought a piece of land in a remote, rural area with few or no building codes and more jackrabbits than people. Where do you live while you’re building your sustainable home? Pay rent? Nah, that’s so twentieth century. You want free accommodation so you can put your money toward your new home, and … Read more

10 Ways to Save Money Building a New House

With the vast majority of people unable to afford a contractor-built and code-approved home (over 70% in the U.S.), we must look for alternative solutions to lower the cost of construction. Ideally, these lower-cost solutions also reduce energy costs, cause less harm to the environment and cut long term maintenance. Here are 10 simple ways … Read more