I tried to describe my dream ecovillage the other day in Tiny House Ecovillage in a Fruit Orchard. That story was just fantasy, of course, but Jay Schafer of Tumbleweed House Company is planning the real deal – a tiny house ecovillage in northern California. Here are a few tidbits from his new website Four Lights Houses.
tiny home
120-Square-Foot Home in The Smokey Mountains Of North Carolina
“Three years go, Laura LaVoie and her husband Matt decided that they were tired of their 2,400-square-foot home and began building one a fraction of its size. Sure, they enjoyed having lots of space so they could invite guests over and throw parties. But at some point, the size became too overwhelming.
The Tiny Life Blog
“Over four years ago I discovered Tiny Houses and fell in love with them. I have always been fascinated with alternative housing, from the time I was a boy I built countless forts in the woods. So we have arrived, I will be building my Tiny House starting in just a few short weeks!
Compact Living
We The Tiny House People (Documentary)
TV producer and Internet-video personality Kirsten Dirksen invites us on her journey into the tiny homes of people searching for simplicity, self-sufficiency, minimalism and happiness by creating shelter in caves, converted garages, trailers, tool sheds, river boats and former pigeon coops.
16-year-old Builds Tiny Home to Guarantee Mortgage-free Future
This is how to make a banker cry. It’s their worst nightmare. It’s also how to change the world, one step at a time. Read my comments below after this brief intro. “Austin Hay is still in high school, but he’s building his own house. It’s only 130 square feet, but it makes him a … Read more