I joined this panel to explore the idea of providing comfortable shelter for all animal and human life on Earth. The 90-minute plenary invited leaders in the field of ancient & earth wisdom, natural building and community building with Ousmane Aly Pame, Kelly Hart & Mark Lakeman to respond to the following questions:
What would be your optimal local-to-global strategy for ensuring the guaranteed access of all humans and animals to Comfortable Shelter?
What are the whole system healing benefits of such a strategy?
How can we move forward to make this a global reality?
You can watch the entire video at www.youtube.com
The daily themes of Peace Week 2022 are inspired by the second primary task of Eco-Governance, which is to ensure that the 7 Core Needs of all humans and animals are met through guaranteed access to:
– Living Soil: watch at www.youtube.com
– Healthy Water: watch at www.youtube.com
– Vitalizing Food: watch at www.youtube.com
– Fresh Clean Air: watch at www.youtube.com
– Physical and Emotional Safety: watch at www.youtube.com
– Comfortable Shelter: watch at www.youtube.com
– The conditions needed for all to manifest their unique Life-enriching potential: watch at www.youtube.com