More Insulated Earthbag Vault Designs

This is a fourth installment on earthbag vaults. Previous posts have already covered most of the details. This blog post presents two more options – living roof and thatch roof. The thatched roof is the simplest and fastest. The living roof is much more difficult and not recommended as a first time project. The roof … Read more

The Green School

Here’s some information that might prove inspirational if you’re incorporating bamboo into your earthbag design. Deep within the jungles of Bali, a school made entirely of bamboo seeks to train the next generations of leaders in sustainability. In a swath of jungle near Ubud, Bali, the Green School has just finished the second year of … Read more

Get the Basics Right

Make sure you get the basics right so your earthbag home is safe, sound and durable. As obvious as this seems, the most fundamental earthbag building principles sometimes get lost in the forest of information. That was one reason for writing the Earthbag Building Guide – to focus on the most important steps and demonstrate … Read more

Mindfulness Project Insulated Solar Vaults

This blog post is a continuation of Insulated Earthbag Vaults and Insulated Earthbag Vaults for Rainy Climates. The Mindfulness Project in Thailand envisions using this design as a part of each housing cluster in their sustainable community. The vaults will likely include photovoltaics, a mechanical room for batteries and electronics, a small shop area with … Read more

Alejandrina’s Earthbag House

Pisco Sin Fronteras has been at it again, helping people in Peru build homes with earthabgs. This time they have assisted a dirt-poor family with a bed-ridden grandmother move up in the world from living under a tarp to living in a solid earthbag home, complete with doors and windows.You can read about the details … Read more

Earthbag Building Facebook Page

I got the following email a few minutes ago. Luke just won himself a free copy of my upcoming Earthbag Building Video. Thanks, Luke! “With great pleasure, I just wanted to let you know a Facebook page has been created for fans of your blog. The name of the page is, “Earthbag Building Blog Fan … Read more