Earthbag Dome Building Information Seminar

Sun, April 9, 2017, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PDT “A one day information seminar and networking platform for interested owner-builders, builders and Cal Earth alumni, contractors, designers, project leaders and architects. Meet those of us who have experience and expertise for building Earth Domes as a viable residence. This is also a platform to … Read more

Below Grade Earthbag Domes

Many people want to build below grade earthbag domes like these.
Many people want to build below grade earthbag domes like these.

Email from a reader: Hello, I am trying to put together a design for an earthbag dome built into a hill in New York, and for a few reasons, I would like to have some of it underground. Actually, there are two adjacent domes, one with a diameter and height of 14′, and the other 8′. The frost line here is at least 48″, and I’ll probably go down further.

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Flexible Form Rammed Earth Construction (Earthbag Construction) Part 1

Very good video about building earthbag domes that shows half a dozen or so innovative ideas I haven’t seen before. I can’t think of another video or project where I’ve seen so many new interesting building tips. So hat’s off to The Roundtable that’s building these domes in Uganda.

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Earthbag Rental Dome in Chihuahua, Mexico

Earthbag rental dome in Chihuahua, Mexico
Earthbag rental dome in Chihuahua, Mexico

Hi Owen,
There is an earthbag building at a hotel in northern Mexico. I travel near there every 3-4 months, so have been able to follow the progress. The last trip it seems to be finished on the exterior, so wanted to grab a photo for you.

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Dr. Sunny Cai’s Earthbag Domes and New Website

“Dr. Sunny Cai (Liang-Juei Cai), Ph.D (in Ecological and Chinese Ancient Architecture), now retired from University and living in Taiwan, is an author and professor specializing in the field of ancient and ecological architectural planning and design. Dr. Sunny not only attempts to build houses with high standards, incorporate carbon reduction but also rummages raw materials, which is recorded in China’s ancient architectural books, to solve environmental pollution issues. Dr. Sunny, as a volunteer, tries to help people who are eager to build a comfortable and green house.

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SuperAdobe Home in Costa Rica

Bioclimatic earthbag dome home in Costa Rica
Bioclimatic earthbag dome home in Costa Rica

“Ayal Bryant from Barro Vivo CR told Inhabitat because they live in a relatively hot and dry climate, where they receive about 3 months of rain and the rest of the year is pretty much dry, they wanted to build a house that would remain cool during the day without air-conditioning or fans. “So we decided to go for super adobe mainly because of its thermal properties but also because one of how it feels almost primal to live within,” she said.

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