“Stan Leopard used to spend nearly two hours in the car each day commuting from his home in Mill Valley, CA to his office in San Francisco. Since he runs a small business and can choose where to locate the office, bought a live/work townhouse in a neighboring town and cut his commute to a flight of stairs.”
Our Barrel Oven on TV
“A film crew from New York City came out and spent two full days with us taking footage that was eventually edited into this episode. Here you can see the wood-fired barrel oven in action and learn more about how it is made and how it works. We were especially happy that they picked up on the value of showing our gardens and the process of harvesting the food, preparing it, and then cooking it in the barrel oven.”
Tiny House Tour that Houses Family of Four
“A tour of our tiny house. Built on Tumbleweed principles, we bought this 272sq ft house already built, then hauled it across the state and parked it in a garden. We bought it fully functional but very bare bones. We did major remodels to suit our personalities and needs. We have enjoyed living in our home for the last year and a half but the recent fourth edition to our family is making it feel more cramped. We will be moving soon. Hope you enjoy!”
Garage Apartments
Like many readers here, you might be dreaming of your sustainable natural home. But maybe you’re busy saving money at a job in town and not ready for the plunge. Temporarily living in a simple garage apartment/garage studio is one way to live simply so it’s easier to save for your dream home.
Compact Living
The Most Bang for the Buck? Part 2
Part 1 discussed the most efficient, cost-effective ways to build with earthbags. This post discusses a few related items. Building site: Follow these steps and you’ll save lots of time preparing the site and reduce the risk of problems in the future. Choose a building site that’s clear of obstacles and naturally higher than the … Read more