“Built for only US$17,000 this young couple’s incredible tiny house is packed with unique and interesting design elements. The entire build was carried out as a DIY project using mainly reclaimed materials, as the couple saved up for each new phase of the construction.
sustainable housing
5 Reasons We Love Earthbags
“Back in 2012, our co-founder Jamie sought to build a school in Malawi using conventional western building techniques. After lots of research, he soon discovered that this would prove too costly. It was then that he came across the earthbag building system.
Fobisia Environmental Conference 2017
Kateryna Zemskova of Good Earth Nepal.org sent me this news update about earthbag training in Nepal.
Earthbag Workshop at Sustainable Life School
Well known earthbag builder Morgan Caraway is putting together another earthbag workshop. The next workshop will be on April 1st and 2nd, 2017 at Bottom Leaf intentional community one hour North of Asheville, NC. They will cover as many aspects of earthbag building as possible. We also started a new blog that talks about our homesteading and natural building adventure from the beginning. Direct link: http://thechurchofnature.wixsite.com/sustainablelife/single-post/2017/01/28/Our-Story-So-Far
Example of $2,000 DIY Hybrid Natural Home
A key aspect of natural building is learning out how to best utilize minimally processed, locally available natural materials and salvaged materials to meet your needs. This includes using good site and climate building techniques in the design of the home. What works best in one location will likely be different than another location. Be sure to study ‘best practices’ that have evolved over the centuries for your specific area. Things such as roof pitch and overhangs, choice of materials, height of stem walls, percentage of solar glazing, ventilation details etc. are all very important.
New Mexico Tiny House Bill Passes 66-0
Update: This is a horrible bill that now seems aimed at sabotaging the tiny house movement or at the very least exploiting the popularity of tiny houses with excessive taxes.