Sandbag War Structures

There is an ongoing debate over the origins of earthbag building — who ‘invented’ it and when.  It is an important point that gets into sticky questions about patent rights of building with earthbags. Some accounts of military sandbag structures go back over 100 years.  I haven’t seen pictures of these, but a recent Google … Read more

Bullet Resistance of Sandbags

We live in interesting and somewhat precarious times.  No one can say for certain that they are immune from economic collapse, civil disturbance or even war.  With the world’s escalating financial, environmental and political problems lately, anything is possible. All the many benefits of earthbags are reported on our website – low cost, simplicity … Read more

A New Article and Booklet about How to Build with Earthbags

It is very gratifying to  witness how our website is helping to spread the word about the viability of earthbags  as a significant construction method worldwide. In just one day I was alerted to the publishing of two new media available via the internet: one is a 6-page article, titled How Earthbag Homes Work, published … Read more

Earthbags Gone Wild in the Philippines!

Mainly through the efforts of Illiac Diaz, a charismatic entrepenuer/actor/model/athlete, the Philippines has been home to some very innovative public works utilizing earthbags. Illiac discovered the benefits of this technology several years ago at Nader Khaili’s CalEarth Institute in Hesperia, California, and has been promoting earthbag building in the Philippines ever since. Diaz is the … Read more

The Billboard Earthbag Project

Each year the Society for Environmental Graphic Design sponsors a contest to recognize the best in environmental graphic design.  This year’s Juror’s Award went to Norman Lee and Charles Houser for their Billboard Earthbag Project. The designers say: “Because most conventional sandbags are fabricated from polypropylene, they are very vulnerable to UV rays and quickly … Read more

Building with Unbonded Pumice

Owen Geiger and I have just found that a book published in 1990 in Germany, Building with Pumice, written by Klaus Grasser and Gernot Minke, describes experiments done in the 1970’s at the Research Laboratory for Experimental Building at Kassel Polytechnic College in Germany that have considerable bearing on the history of earthbag building. Most … Read more