Simple Earth Buildings for the Humid Tropics

Simple Earth Buildings for the Humid Tropics by Patti Stouter is the third in a series of PDF documents that she has written (and made available for free) about building in hot and humid environments. This 17-page document focuses on several basic home plans that could easily be built with earthbags. Patti writes, “These buildings … Read more

Earthbag Building in the Humid Tropics

Earthbag Building in the Humid Tropics: Simple Instructions by Patti Stouter is a 27-page, step-by-step PDF guide to building with earthbags in these demanding climates. It is well thought out, quite informative, and useful as a basic introduction to the concept of building with earthbags. She begins with a general introduction, and then moves on … Read more

A New Article and Booklet about How to Build with Earthbags

It is very gratifying to  witness how our website is helping to spread the word about the viability of earthbags  as a significant construction method worldwide. In just one day I was alerted to the publishing of two new media available via the internet: one is a 6-page article, titled How Earthbag Homes Work, published … Read more

Earthbag Foundations

Earthbag foundations offer many advantages over reinforced concrete foundations and work well with many types of sustainable buildings. In particular, they are low-cost, fast and easy to build, require no cement (a major expense and cause of global warming), and require no forms or expensive equipment. Earthbags are simply polypropylene sandbags (rice or feed bags, … Read more