Greensburg, Kansas Rebuilds Green After Tornado

Greensburg, a farming community in southwestern Kansas with a population of 900 rebuilt “green” after a tornado barreled through at more than 200 miles per hour and nearly wiped it off the map in 2007. Now Greensburg gets all of its electricity from a wind farm, has an energy-efficient school, medical center, city hall, library, … Read more

An Earthbag EcoVillage on an Indonesian Island

An eco-village of earthbag domes is growing along the coral coastline of Indonesia’s Lombok Island. The builders seeks to introduce shared housing which is built and occupied with respect for the environment. Currently there are nine domes surrounding a restaurant, pool, and co-working space. The second phase of nine more domes is underway and should … Read more

Young Indian Architects and Builders Are Embracing Sustainability

There a slow revolution brewing in the world of construction. Since the mid-1960s British-born Indian architect Laurie Baker pioneered a newer method of construction by using locally available material. Many architects thought of joining this movement of making only sustainable, highly energy-efficient buildings, but it mostly remained a romantic vision. Now, younger architects seem to … Read more

Traditional Native American Architectural Values

Imagine a community where every home maintains a comfortable temperature without the use of electricity, built with local materials and aligned to maximize passive solar. These houses are also incredibly durable, having survived thousands of years. The Sky City village in the Pueblo of Acoma, atop a mesa 60 miles west of Albuquerque, New Mexico … Read more