Part 2: Applying Earthen Plaster

Part 1: Earthen Plaster Summary covered the basics of clay, sand and mixing earthen plaster. This next post explains how to apply earthen plaster to earthbag walls. First, I want to say how incredibly simple this is. It’s as basic as smearing mud on the walls. But a little added know how will help everything … Read more

Part 1: Earthen Plaster Summary

Here’s an overview of how we plastered the interior of our roundhouse with earthen plaster. After reviewing the various recipes and techniques, we decided to keep things as simple as possible. No doubt some of the extra plaster additives like manure and wheat paste can be helpful, but we wanted to see the results of … Read more

10 meter (33’) Earthbag Roundhouse

Most of the AutoCAD drawings for my 30 most popular plans are nearly complete, and so now I’ve started adding SketchUp perspective drawings to show what the completed houses will look like. My goal is to add one perspective drawing every 10 days to 2 weeks and finish in about one year. I have several … Read more

Dispensers Versus Uncoiling Barbed Wire by Hand

I’ve seen various barbed wire dispensers being used and have wondered what design works best. I started making a dispenser for our roundhouse workshop, but gave up when things weren’t quite working out. It seems easier to move the roll of barbed wire by hand to where it’s needed instead of using a dispenser. Also, … Read more

Installing Additional Electrical Boxes

Let’s assume you want to add an extra box when you’re doing your electrical. The other boxes were installed in the right places during wall construction, but somehow you forgot one. (This would never happen to professionals, of course. [cough]) Don’t worry, there’s an easy fix. What I do… [cough] or would do if this … Read more