Toxic Drywall and the Ills of Modern Building

I just read this article about the toxic effects of new houses that used drywall material shipped from China to the US in the last few years. Many people are getting quite sick and can no longer live in these contaminated homes. Nobody quite understands exactly what the cause is, except that the suspect drywall … Read more

Decorative Finishing Details

The folks at The Year of Mud: Building a Cob House have put together a great site, including very informative articles on creating mosaics in earth plaster and building a reciprocal roof (we’ll save this for a future topic). Dirt cheap techniques like mosaics can really enhance the appearance your home. In addition to mosaics, … Read more

Dome Roofs

Tim Merritt, earthbag enthusiast and reader of our blog, sent us this roof idea from Tim is considering using these domes on top of earthbag walls to create more interesting shapes and save labor on the roof. The website showcases over 60 domes of all different sizes and shapes. You can order their … Read more

Building Earthbag Houses for Profit

One of the biggest issues in society is the cost of housing. Hundreds of millions of people can’t afford housing (even in the US, Europe, etc.). So, there’s a huge demand, but a lack of affordable supply. Here is a prime business opportunity for those who are knowledgeable about earthbag building, since earthbag (sandbag) houses … Read more

Creating Earthbag House Models

Creating scale models is a great way to learn earthbag building techniques and help visualize your future home. Tim Merritt sent me some pics of models he’s been working on and I was so impressed I wanted to share them with other readers. Tim used modeling clay for his models. Kelly Hart created models for … Read more

Earthbag Training and Education

I want to poke a stick at spending thousands on an earthbag building workshop. For that same money you could do all of the following: – learn carpentry fundamentals and basic wiring and plumbing through websites, library books and videos; – buy several books; – volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and weekend natural building wall … Read more