Building Warm Homes and Community at Pine Ridge Reservation

A home is so much more than its physical manifestation in the world. It is a place of togetherness, of gathering, of sharing, and of connecting. The mission of is to leverage their building technique to support those in need by providing warmth, stability, economic opportunity, and hope.

The act of building a home can be an enriching educational experience. In building a home people gain vocational skills, create art, forge friendships, and find meaning. Watch as they take their first steps toward fulfilling their mission on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

The homes they build are constructed from cellular concrete, a substance which is simultaneously insulating and structurally sound. This eliminates most if not all of the requirement for heating and cooling. In cold climates, the simple act of having the heat from five human bodies within one of their homes can be the difference between life and death.

In building homes with this community, they will hire and train local workers and crafters and will purchase local products. With their partners at Red Cloud Renewable, they will develop local manufacturing and produce the components required and will mentor the creation of local Lakota owned businesses.

You can watch the video at

9 thoughts on “Building Warm Homes and Community at Pine Ridge Reservation”

  1. I saw a presentation by a mission agency that was building durable, hurricane resistant homes in Haiti, that amounted to a modified grain bin. They have performed well. In my novice opinion this is an even better cost effective alternative.

    I’m wondering if any work has been done to change the architecture to a more triangular look more similar to the historic Teepee. The dome version reminds me of the yurts of central Asia. That’s not a bad thing. The inflatable bladder mold seems so practical. It would be hard to improve on it.

  2. Fantastic idea! Just wondering if these houses could be adapted for central Australian conditions where temperatures are often over 45 degrees Celsius?

    • The shell of these buildings is made with aircrete, or foamed concrete, which provides pretty good insulation, but in continuous hot weather they would likely eventually become uncomfortably warm inside. Some shade from the direct sun would help, and colder nights would help. I think you might be better off digging into the ground for comfort.

      • In the pacific I definitely think that underground and cob with a deep trench, wide overhang, and reciprocal roof. Along with natural flooring.
        Breath ventilation warm and cool capillary action

  3. I am a 60 yr old ex farmer and retiree. Is there a way to come there for a few weeks to learn how to build these homes, hands on? I would like to bring these skills bring the plans and the knowledge back home to Canada?


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