The Bio Veda Living Home Masterclass

Alosha Lynov established the Bio Veda Academy as a way to disseminate his knowledge about building what he calls a Living Bio Shelter Organism, along with holistic water treatment and cooperative eco-villages. Alosha studied Superadobe construction at CalEarth Institute in California, and what he teaches is somewhat based on their approach. He has combined Superadobe … Read more

Touring Trollworks Biochar Plant

Yesterday I had a chance to tour Trollworks in Santa Clara, New Mexico, where various prototype machines are being built to make biochar. The Trollworks system integrates four innovative elements to deliver a system with multiple applications, benefits and potential revenue streams. These machines can heat a building while making biochar which can be sold … Read more

Green Buildings Contribute To Our Well-Being

We know that green buildings help the environment, but they also help us feel better. Toyin-Ann Yerifor is an architectural consultant who has been an advocate for both green living and holistic architectural design. She believes that health and wellness should be an integral factor in any project. A building’s impact on one’s health is … Read more

Architect Describes How He Made His Passive Home

In January 1973, when Fred Black was a first semester student at the University of New Mexico School of Architecture, the overwhelming sentiment in academia was that we had an environmental emergency in progress.  Humankind had been burning fossil fuels at an alarming rate since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and there was hard, … Read more