Earthbag Eco-village in Beijing

Dr. Sunny Cai, an architect and Associate Professor at the University of Science and Technology in Beijing sent me news of his most recent earthbag work. It’s interesting to note his Ph.D. is in Historic Chinese Earth Architecture. “To be a designer and professor in university for architectural class teaching, I always advocate low carbon … Read more

Nka Foundation ARchiTecture Challenge

This post was submitted by Japanese architect Kikuma Watanabe, who’s engaged in one of the Main Jury’s at the Ecovillage project in Ghana. The text below is from the Nka Foundation website. “Nka Foundation is pleased to announce the results for the Ghana: 2011 Open ARchiTecture Challenge. Entries were received from over 30 countries. The … Read more

Akio Inoue Dome Photos

Professor Akio Inoue in Japan is one of the most experienced earthbag dome builders in the world. I just learned he has retired from Tenri University. Thank you sir for all your great work and for inspiring the next generation of builders. For more information: The Earthbag Domes of Professor Akio Inoue

More Hyperadobe Videos

I found five more hyperadobe videos on YouTube. Some of the walls are rough, some are incredibly straight. It’s interesting to watch the various techniques. They’re not in English unfortunately, but it’s still a great way to learn. Hyperadobe Part 1 Hyperadobe Part 2 Hyperadobe Part 3

Spiral Dome Magic 1 and 2

I’ve recently completed two new house plans. There’s nothing else like them that I’ve seen. They combine spirals and domes — the Peace Dome and Spiral Houses, which are also available separately. There are two versions available – one bedroom and two bedroom designs. The combination of shapes creates a very exciting organic design. More … Read more

Hyperadobe Continued

Continuing with Owen’s assessment of the Hyperadobe method of building  earthbag walls, I have had some further thoughts. This innovation comes to us from Fernando Pacheco, a Brazilian engineer, and it has been used there for at least two years. I have prepared a detailed page at that is a step-by step guide to … Read more